Dear York Northern Network colleagues,
You and your students doing work in the Arctic might be interested in attending this round table on an international circumpolar project concerned with
assessing, monitoring and promoting indigenous languages.
The event will be held in Glendon’s new auditorium (first floor, new A-wing) next Monday, March 25 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. All welcome.
Ian Martin
Odaakewigimaa, Inwewin ekwa ishikiishiwewinan kikinoohamaasokamik
Coordinador, Programa de Lingüística y Ciencias de Lenguaje
Coordinateur, Programme de linguistique et sciences du langage
Coordinator, Linguistics and Language Studies Programme,
Departement des Études Pluridisciplinaires
Department of Multidisciplinary Studies,
Collège universitaire Glendon College
York University
Toronto ON Canada